Monday 12 December 2011

Who is a real Christian?

  One day I was searching for Jesuits and seriously misspelled it. It took me to some site( which told “To be a Jesuist, or Jesus follower, we do not need to agree on who Jesus is; we simply need to want what Jesus has to offer.” I was thinking who is a Christian and how can you define a Christian?

“A christian is not the one who follows Christ and does what he teaches us do”.

“But a true christian is the one who follows Christ and invokes the help of Christ himself to follow him.”

The difference is you are a Christian only when take your strength from Christ himself. There are many non-Christians who love their neighbours and love their God. But a Christian loves his neighbour not just by his will and his ability but by the ability of Christ and by his grace and nothing else. That's where Saints got their strength. St Therese tells she knows that by herself she cannot do anything and she offers everything to Christ who strengthens her. She says she asks God to lift her up and her Christ lifts her up to the great spiritual heights.

To attain anything in spiritual life, first we must humble ourselves and accept we cannot do anything worthy whatever our abilities are. And then ask Christ to give us power and grace to follow him. The flood gates of heaven will be opened and grace will pour out. Whatever we do is nothing for The King of Kings, he only needs our love and our consent to let him work through our lives. When we humble ourselves and submit before his will we will achieve real greatness which is impossible to attain through our own efforts.

Freedom in Catholic Families

Freedom is my birthright and I will have it.
  I saw a TV show about travelling challenges. There all were young people were from London. A young lady of age 18 was introducing herself. She said the show was a big opportunity for her because she was born and brought up in a Christian Household and hence didn't have any "Freedom". And this was her opportunity to do what she wanted and live freely.  To me it seemed as if she was saying that her Christian had choked her up and didn't give her any freedom.

Catholic Family at birthday
 Does Christian families don't give freedom to their children? To answer that question we must know what is “freedom” after all?

  “Between stimulus and response there is a space. In that space is our power to choose our response. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.” -Victor

Freedom is a power to choose what is right and what I want. I believe parents should not hold their children back from expressing themselves and doing what they think is right. But only sometimes they have to intervene to protect their children’s freedom. For example if a child may be led to drug addiction then the parents must intervene because drug addiction ultimately takes the freedom of choice. The person feels compelled to take drugs and do stuff that he does not want to do.

Whenever parents want to correct their children they must ask explanation from the child and give explanations for their own decisions only then teenagers could see some sense in rules else they will always be rebellious. The fruit of discipline is not what a person does under supervision but doing the right thing on his own without any supervision. So the real test for parents are not when their kids are with them but what they do when they grow up and not under any parental control.

Freedom is nothing else but a chance to be better. -Albert Camus

John Henry Newman, a free confessor of faith.

Friday 18 November 2011

Gods Infinite Mercy and his nature of Love.

Sinful Woman and Jesus. Luke 7:36

Today a thought came to me that most impressive power of God to me is his Power of Forgiveness. Yes, he has manifested other physical powers like the power to Cure and power to work Wonders, but that can be done by Satan too. But only he can forgive like the father who forgave his prodigal son. Even after we blatantly challenge his authority and turn against him, he is ready to forgive us and also accept us just like before. The greatest factor of my conversion is that he has forgiven me repeatedly. Thats some thing really divine coz I dont think any human could have done it. Gods forgiveness and grace is like sunshine. You can decide to hide away from it and keep yourself inside the cave of sin. But when you want to turn back to God, you can absorb and enjoy the warmth of that merciful and loving sunshine again no matter what you did in that cave.

"God can only Love and will not do otherwise"
My most powerfull word against sin is:” God will always accept you, no matter what you do. But when will you accept God? “ God will always accept you no matter what you do because HE IS LOVE!. God does not just love but “He is Love”. Like light does not just show the property of electromagnetic wave sometimes when it likes but It is Electromagnetic Wave. It is in the nature of light to be a electromagnetic wave and it cannot behave like a sound wave in the same way God is Love and will always act lovingly and will not do othervise.

So if you are worrying about your sinfull nature, whether God will accept you or not and whether you will go to hell. Just remember what Padre Pio said:” Pray, Hope and Dont Worry”.

God bless you.

Pray,hope and Dont Worry, Padre Pio

Thursday 17 November 2011

Why catholic church is still "Holy"?

In recent times the Catholic Church has been shaken by the sex abuse scandal of priests and bishops trying to protect those guilty priests. And also it has a history where clergy even in very high positions who have abused their powers. Then even after all these incidents how can the catholic church be holy?

    To explain this I would like to give an example. Suppose I have a great smart phone say Samsung Galaxy Nexus. And suppose I am an idiot( that's not a difficult thing to suppose). Now even if I use that phone for a long time does that make phone idiot? Will that smart phone become “dumb phone”? No, because the ability and worth of the phone is not related to its user. In the same way though the servants of the church are unworthy that does not make the church unworthy. Even though they are sinful men that does not make its ministry and purpose sinful. It there to bring people closer to Christ by administering Sacraments. And how sinful or corrupt its ministers become just like how idiotic the users of a smart phone become the sacraments of the Church which are instituted by Christ himself will remain holy.

 Now some people ask how can a sinful man absolve the sins of other people. He can because the absolution of the sins comes from the power and grace of God and not by personal credit of the minister delivering it. Let me give another example. I am a software engineering student. And I freaking hate TurboC compiler but if I give it the right code it has to compile and give me the correct output and it doesn't matter whether I love that computer program or I hate it. In the same it is  God which gives the grace through the sacraments and not the minister.

God Bless You!

Tuesday 15 November 2011

Catholicism Series

This is an awesome series on the history of catholic church. It is done in a great way and it is aesthetically very beautiful. A real pleasure to watch.

Hope you enjoy it.